Concrete Cleaner and Degreaser - Industrial Citrus Biodegradable
Ships from Illinois (Click for average Ground delivery map

Shipping: This Product can take 2 to 3 business days to ship out.

Product Detail:
“C” Cleaner and Degreaser is paramount for preparation prior to overlayment and sealing. This concentrated, economical cleaner is the solution to cleaning needs.
- Environmentally safe, non-toxic, citrus-based cleaner
- Made from natural and organic ingredients
- Removes grease, oil, tar, and most rubber marks from concrete surfaces
- Concentrated for industrial use
- Use straight for tough spots
- Use diluted for general cleaning and maintenance
- 1 gallon covers treats 150 sq. feet undiluted, up to 750 diluted as directed
- Environmentally safe, non-toxic, citrus-based cleaner