Concrete Overlay - Self Leveling Polishable Cement Coating
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Concrete Overlay - Self Leveling Polishable Cement Coating
Flat out the best polishable overlay available. SLP is a high performance, fast setting, self-leveling, cementitious overlayment designed for polishing applications. SLP quickly levels and maintains work-ability for up to 20 min, bonds well and produces a tough, long wearing surface. SLP can be applied from 3/8” to 2” in a single lift and up to 4” if extended with a proper aggregate such as pea gravel. SLP is ready for light foot traffic in 3-4 hours, can accept floor coverings in 8-12 hours and can be polished in 24 hours. When ground and polished, SLP is designed to mimic the appearance of polished concrete. SLP excels as a floor repair patch and can be color matched to most existing concrete surfaces.
Unlike competing products, SLP is very easy to polish and less abusive to your diamonds, yet still provides a hard, non-shrink, polishable wear surface. SLP also does not portray the artificial surface look that other brands can do.
- SLP Self Level Polish Overlay mix
- All-in-one mix design, just add water
- Indoor or outdoor
- Proprietary polymers formulated for excellent strength and bonding
- 15-20 min self level working time
- Natural concrete mimic
- 50 lb. bags
- Coverage at 3/8″ is 16 sq ft
- You can add up to 12lbs of your own aggregate (ie. special crushed glass, glow in the dark glass, etc). Just note that as you add extra aggregate, the self-leveling properties of this SLP Overlay will decrease slightly.
- This mix is also a great Concrete Countertop Mix, which can be demolded in hours (@ 4 hours is common) and from varying thickness of 1/2" up to 2".
SLP is a high performance, fast setting, self-leveling, cementitious overlayment designed for polishing applications. SLP quickly levels, bonds well, and produces a tough, long wearing surface.
It has a standard working time of 15-20 minutes which can be extended with an optional retarder.
SLP can be applied from 3/8” to 2” in a single lift and up to 4” if extended with a proper aggregate such as pea gravel. SLP is ready for light foot traffic in 34 hours, can accept floor coverings in 8-12 hours and can be polished in 24 hours.
When ground and polished, SLP is purposely designed to mimic the appearance of polished concrete more than other competing products. The speed of SLP allows it to excel as a floor repair patch and can be color matched to most existing concrete surfaces.
Read data sheet for full instructions before beginning.
SURFACE PREP Self Leveling Polishable Cement Coating:
All concrete substrates must be structurally sound and fully cured (28 days min). Clean the surface of any contaminates including dust, dirt, debris, paint, tar, wax, oil, grease, curing compounds or sealers.
Mechanically profile the surface by shot blasting, sandblasting, or scarifying. Surface profile should be to CSP2 to CSP5. Acid etching typically does not provide enough of a profile for proper bonding. Substrate and ambient temperatures should be between 50º and 85º before application. All existing expansion, and control joints as well as any moving cracks must be honored.
Surfaces should be primed with FlexyBo Primer (sold here) and allowed to dry to “tacky” before proceeding (15-30 min).
MIXING Self Leveling Polishable Cement Coating:
Mix SLP into 4.5 quarts potable water in large mixing vessel. Mixing should be done with a egg beater style mixing head and a heavy duty ½ inch drill. Mixing splines should be cleaned off between batches to avoid heavy buildup. SLP mix should be flowable and will pour onto the surface.
PLACING Self Leveling Polishable Cement Coating:
Arrange work area to permit continuous placement without cold joints. For polished concrete toppings, place SLP at a minimum thickness of 3/8 inch onto the prepared and primed substrate.
Pour or pump SLP onto the floor in a ribbon pattern and immediately spread it out with a gauge rake based on the need of the surface.
If planning to polish DO NOT use a spike roller.
After achieving the desired depth, smooth the product surface with a smoother if within 10 minutes of placement. Do not overwork the material. Do not allow more than a few minutes to elapse between subsequent pours to prevent could joints.
SLP will flow out and level for about 15 minutes. Using ice water will help extend your time. Once the bleed water is gone and the surface is dull, it may be retroweled for a more burnished look if you are planning that for a finish.
Avoid conditions of extreme heat and wind. They cause rapid moisture loss from the surface which can result in crazing or micro cracking.
Grinding and polishing can begin in 24 hours. SLP grinds very much like concrete. We recommend using Colloidal Tru Hard densifier (sold here) after the 200 grit stage and again after the 800 grit stage. Dilute densifier product 8-1 with water for best penetration. You can finish with Polish Guard (sold here) and burnish.
50 lb bag will cover approximately 16 sq ft at 3/8 inch