PolyPurge Polyurethane Rubber Shelf Life Extender
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Shipping: This Product can take 2 to 5 business days to ship out.

Polytek PolyPurge
- Poly Purge™ dry gas can be sprayed into an open container, just before resealing the lid, to displace moist air, thus extending the life of polyurethane liquids, sealers, and other products that when exposed to air begin to have shorter life spans.
- Poly Purge™ is heavier than air and is nonflammable and non-ozone depleting.
- It is packaged in an aerosol-type can with a special nozzle extension useful for directing the gas into the desired space.
- Sold in single 10oz aerosol spray cans, or in a case of 12 cans.
- Download: PolyPurge Safety Data Sheet: MSDS.