Rock N Roller Concrete Stamp Big Roller - 35 7/16" Royal Slate
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Rock N Roller Concrete Stamp Big Roller - 35 7/16" Royal Slate
- Rock N Roller™ Border Roller - 35 7/16" Royal Slate
- Five times faster than traditional stamping methods. If you pay laborers to stamp concrete, you will pay this roller off with just a few jobs using it.
- Add weights to ensure a uniform imprint as the concrete begins to harden
- No special setup for borders
- Ultra lightweight. You start stamping as soon as the bleed water has evaporated- no need to wait for concrete to be hard enough to support walking on it.
- Made in the USA
Use of Rock N Roller Concrete Stamp Big Roller - 35 7/16" Royal Slate:
- The Roller connects to standard concrete extension poles, or you can rig up your own method to pull it across large spans using rope.
- Once bleed water is gone, use Liquid Release or Powder Antiquing Release on the concrete and the roller, and begin rolling.
- If you find you need more weight to push the roller into the concrete, slide weights (Rock N Roller Weights sold here) onto the metal rods on top of the roller.
- Use Texture Rollers and Touch Up Wheels to finish off around edges and fine tune.
- The Light Slate Texture Roller matches the Royal Slate pattern.
- The 1/4"Flat Touch Up Wheel Roller matches the Royal Slate pattern.
- Watch the videos below for more information, but if you don't need a roller don't watch (because you'll be compelled to buy one once you see what they do)
Product Videos: